Honda VTX1800C 2002-10 - Roadburner 3 inch Drag Pros
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  Honda VTX1800C (2002-10) fitted with Roadburner's Chrome 3 inch Drag Pros    (Roll-over thumbnails to change. Roll-over photo to zoom in. Click to enlarge photo.)

Roadburner 3 inch Drag Pros

Drag Pro's feature 3"dia 16 ga. steel tubing outer pipes. They are doublewall pipes using Road Burner's multi diameter stepped header design. Most inner pipes start at 1 3/4" dia. and then step to 1-7/8" dia. and finally to 2" diameter inner pipes. The stepped header design creates a "taper" which increases power thru more efficient exhaust "scavenging".

Sku# RB-031-2070-C

List Price: $824.99
*Guaranteed not to blue. We are so confident that our pipes won't blue that we a 1-year guarantee against bluing on all double wall pipes we manufacture.